What my clients have to say about me
“I a person with chronic and acute medical problems. PK Maxx has been a lifesaver for me. Through her hypnotherapy I have received considerable relief from pain and incredible insight into how my personal history has contributed to my current medical issues. In addition she has helped reset my attitude in dealing with my issues. I wasn’t totally familiar with hypnotherapy. As a scientist I had difficulty understanding the mind/body connection. I am a enthusiastic believer now. PK is compassionate and can quickly connect with your needs and how she can help you. You have to try her!”
Sue S.
PhD, Dr. of Nursing
“At first I was very skeptical that hypnotherapy could work but at that point I had tried everything to lose weight so I was willing to give it a shot. Surprise – it worked! Hypnotherapy with P.K. Helped to get to the deeper causes of my weight issues and help me think about weight loss in a different, healthier way. I began to feel more confident and lose the harbored shame I had about my body. The tools she gave me and talks during our sessions helped me keep on track between sessions. I highly recommend Hypnotherapy with P.K. to anyone!”
Tammy O. R.N.
Registered Nurse
"I received great benefit from P.K.'s hypnotherapy session. expanding my business. P.K. Maxx is very positive in her words with her personal focus on supporting my desires. After a couple of sessions with P.K., clients began flooding in. I had a client who I have not heard from in 8 years call to hire me again, plus I received a call from a client that attended one of my workshops 4 years ago and now wanted to hire me, and she was so happy with my work that she referred a very good client to me. P.K. helped me release old beliefs so that I could easily receive more abundance. I recommend calling P.K. to clear limited beliefs and attract what you desire in your life now!”
Patt S.

“Working with P.K. has reenergized me, and enabled me to productively focus that new-found energy. In addition, she has helped to unlock a well of creativity that has me bubbling with ideas.”
Robert B.
Film Producer, Writer
"She is sensitive to what it is that I want to work on and keys in with clarity and purpose. I feel comfortable and totally at ease. She sets up a very trusting atmosphere."
Christine L.
"Incredible hypnotherapist with personalized talk therapy as well. Incredibly satisfied!!! Saved sessions emailed you so you can listen outside of sessions."
Anup J.

“I had a very successful business and life that had turned abruptly on me. I went to P.K. to deal with the stress and anxiety caused by it but got so much more than just relief for my anxiety. P.K. taught me the "Mental Bank" process, a tool to help me get back on track financially and move forward with my business. It's amazing how it works. Both the Hypnosis and her guidance have not only helped my business but my whole life.”
Gus M.
Apparel distributor
“I can't thank P.K. enough for helping me through a very difficult and confusing time in my life. I was struggling with my marriage and considering divorce and she helped me unblock my issues that were keeping me from moving forward. I am so much happier now and am so much more clear and excited about my future. She also helped me to improve my presence around people which has helped me so much. I am now attracting much better people into my life!“
Cecelia S.
Office Administrator
"Hypnotherapy is a great way to deal with past issues that are holding you back. In my case, thoughts from the past which brought on guilt and remorse. Using her talent to understand my needs first and then using hypnosis to establish positive thoughts rather than destructive thoughts that kept popping up in my head. She is a master when you need help dealing with past issues. If you are having issues that are holding you back get in touch with Phyllis and be prepared for the amazing results you will get."
Ronnie K.

"I started working with Phyllis because I have always had issues with food and my weight. I have spent years doing various diets and food planning, with some success. However, none of those programs ever addressed the route emotional and psychological causes of my problem. My goal was to lose 30 pounds. Phyllis combined knowledge of physical and emotional health to guide me in changing my behaviors and attitudes towards food and my body image. Her individualized guided sessions were effective, and I very much appreciated being able to replay the recordings throughout the week. Not only have I accomplished my weight loss goal, but I have kept the weight off for several months now. For me this has been a life-altering experience, and one that has given me skills I can use on my own going forward."
Elizabeth C.
"I never thought I would do hypnotherapy and felt like it was a little "woo woo" but I was open minded. My experience with PK has been amazing. I initially went to PK in hopes to work on my business goals and plans. I felt like I was stuck. As we started to work together she definitely helped me recognize that it just wasn't related to my business, she opened pandora's box. Together we discovered that I have more deep personal issues related to my work ethic (I don't know how to relax and have no "me" time) and my heart's tug-of-war between being a mother/wife and an entrepreneur. I have made so much progress in the past few months and continue to work on things that I didn't realize I had issues with. My heart, mind and body feel much more in sync, at ease and most importantly more productive! Thank you PK!"
Dawn Y.

How People can Benefit from Hypnotherapy
In this Podcast, I explain about Hypnotherapy and how people can benefit from it. It's a great introduction into how our minds work and our subconscious behavioral patterns.
How it All Comes Down to Fear
In this video, I talk about how fear can either instinctually save us or become fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) and what happens when we allow that fear to stay active inside of us.
Podcast with Marion Renk-Rosenthal on the Benefits of Virtual Travel
I speak with travel journalist Marion Renk-Rosenthal on the benefits of hypnosis for virtual travel.